AQUA Rx Pharmacy
Full Service Pharmacy & Individualized Health Care

If you have a prescription having compound, we can dispense it for you
Free Blister Packaging
If you have difficulty organizing or remembering to take your medications we can prepare your medications in Blister Packs

Quit Smoking Program
We can help you quit smoking .
Your pharmacist at AQUA Rx Pharmacy got training from Alberta Health and can educate, support and help you quit smoking
Medication Review
We can review and assess all of your prescription medications ,over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and natural health products to ensure they achieve the best result to your health

We provide injections such as Flu shot, vaccinations and other injections

Toiletries and Beauty Products
Available in the store many cosmetic products and brands of your preference

*Also available in the Store:
Greeting Cards
Document Lamination
Snacks & Drinks
Ice Cream
....... Many Other Products